We had so much fun trick-or-treating last night! At first Nicholas thought you had to go up to all the other trick-or-treaters and ask them for candy! But he quickly caught on to going to the houses with lights on. They loved saying "trick-or-treat" this year and seeing all the other kids in their costumes. The girls got to see some classmates and neighborhood friends. Nicholas had been wanting all night to say "Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat. If you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear." Something he learned from the girls. But I made him wait until we got to our neighbor, Lou's house. He and his wife thought it was hilarious! When we got back, the girls emptied their buckets and then hit another street with Ian (who had been handing out candy at the house). Nicholas and I stayed to pass out candy. It was wonderful that we had such nice weather!
A "princess witch," a dragon, and a black cat - ready for Halloween!
Well, we never made it to the pumpkin patch this year because of the weather and other events, so we picked out a nice pumpkin at the local greenhouse to make our Jack-o-lantern. Maddie made the eyes, Nicholas made the nose, and Alina made the mouth. Daddy cleaned out the insides and Mommy carved, which Daddy found funny. Tonight is trick-or-treat night! So more pictures soon to come!
We had a blast at Dave and Vick's wedding reception. Everything was beautiful and the band was awesome! I wish I had pics of Vick, Kel, and Meg on stage with the band and of Kel and Meg dancing on the chairs to Journey (the group that was playing when Dave and Vick met at Penn State), but we were too busy dancing, too! Even Ian!!