Monday, November 24, 2008

First Christmas Train Ride

There are a lot of new pictures - so keep scrolling! I haven't updated the blog in a long time!!

The kids had fun riding the train at the mall. It was Nicholas' first ride (last Christmas he was just a little baby!), and he looked a little nervous, but afterward he clapped and said "yea!!"

More Birthday!

The girls wore their really cute outfits from Aunt Nat and Uncle Matt and Nicholas wore his new outfit from Gram and Pap G. to church the next day.

We sang again and had more cake on the girls' actual birthday - because you always have to have cake and be sung to on your birthday!

Uncle Dave and Aunt Vicky's Engagement!

Uncle Dave and Aunt Vicky had a wonderful surprise for everyone at the birthday party - they got engaged!!! We are all so happy! The next day was Uncle Dave's birthday!

Alina's and Madeline's 5th Birthday

Alina and Madeline celebrated their 5th birthday last weekend with a Tinker Bell cake for Alina and a Sleeping Beauty/ Princess cake for Maddie. They had so much fun with their friends and relatives at the party!!

The girls opened presents from Mommy and Daddy the morning of the party. They got some help from Nicholas.

The girls working diligently on their High School Musical notebooks (thanks Lilly!).

Nicholas enjoying his cake!

Nicholas, Alina, Maddie, Kelsey, Michael, and Matthew (sitting) at the party (Kaitlyn was having fun playing). Then they all had some cake and ice cream!

Maddie Loses Her First Tooth!

Maddie lost her first tooth a few ago! I know, I'm very behind posting to the blog. She was very exicted. And the tooth fairy gave her two gold coins!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More Trick or Treating!

Third night of trick or treating! At least the kiddos got a lot of use out of their costumes! They had a really good time - and got a ton of candy. Mommy was forced to help eat some of the chocolate.

We couldn't understand why Superman was so upset at first...

...but then we realized he wanted his pumpkin in front of him! We resolved the situation, and Superman was happy again!

Off we go!!

Trick or Treating at Grandparents!

The kids started their three nights of trick or treating at Gi and Pappy's house. They had a lot of fun and were excited to see Aunt Nat and Uncle Matt!

Superman, Hannah Montana, and Tinkerbell at Gi and Pappy's.

Gi and Superman with Aunt Nat, Daddy, and Uncle Matt in the background.

The kids went trick or treating the following weekend at Baba and Pappy's. It was also very nice to see Great-Grandparents while we were there!

The kiddos with Pappy and Baba.

Hannah Montana, Superman, and Tinkerbell posing.